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Beijing Rundeyongfa Chemical Co.,ltd

Company Profile
The Ltd. Corporation of Beijing Runde-Yongfa Chemical industry was built in 2009. It is a high technology co***ny combining of manufacture, research, selling, and foreign trade. The products range from inorganic, organic, and fine chemical industry, to flavors and fragrancesŁ¬food additivesŁ¬ medicine materials, as well as intermediate product. Our co***ny is a first-leading corporation. It is one of the two hundred industry co***nies. We have rich materials and resources. The production and market are in the...
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Contact Us
Company: Beijing Rundeyongfa Chemical Co.,ltd
Contact: Ms. ming si
Address: No,8 Yunjing East Road, Tongzhou District ,Beijing China
Tel: +86-010-57200017
Fax: +86-010-81525904


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Tel : +86-010-57200017 Fax : +86-010-81525904
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